Pre-Production (Preorder):

Things to know before placing a preorder:
 - Models available for preordering have not started production yet.  As such, there is No Guaranteed Delivery Date.

1: Sign up for the SURVIVE! newsletter to know when a preorder is being offered.
2: Place your preorder for the exact options you want.
3: Choose one or more of the following wait tactics:
  A: Sit back and relax knowing your knife is being produced. (Recommended)
  B: Stalk your local postal worker until package arrives. (Not Recommended)
  C: Stay up to date through the production process by signing up for our newsletter, keeping an eye on our Production Schedule page, and following us @SurviveKnives on Instagram. (Also Recommended)
(For folks who instead choose to open a paypal or credit card dispute without ever contacting us, we will cancel your order as well as any future orders you place with SURVIVE!.)
4: You will receive a tracking number.
5: Check tracking for estimated delivery date and watch for your local postal worker.
6: Tell us what you think by leaving a review on the model's product page, using #SurviveKnives on Instagram, and @SurviveKnives on Twitter.

Reasons to Preorder:
- SURVIVE! makes knives that have exceptional fit & finish
- Guarantees you will receive a new GSO, with the exact specifications you are looking for
- Locks in an order at today's price
- So you won't have to deal with the crowds each Monday
- To give your future self a gift you know they'll love
- The CPM-3V heat treat has been expertly optimized for top performance
- Handles will feature our new Micro-Texturing
- It will let us know exactly how many to make for the next production run

Reasons NOT to Preorder:
- There is no guaranteed delivery date, so placing a preorder will require patience.


The original SURVIVE! Starter campaign pages can be viewed here: SURVIVE! Starter Campaign.